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Have you recently had a nagging toothache, or perhaps a feeling that one of your teeth isn’t quite right? It can be tempting to ignore these symptoms, especially if they subsequently disappear but there are several good reasons as to why you shouldn’t.

[counter_circles][counter_circle_item id=1 number=”90″ title=”90% of adults have had tooth decay, the most common cause of toothaches*”][/counter_circle_item][/counter_circles]

There is always a Reason for Toothache

Toothache is your body’s way of trying to tell you that something is wrong and it’s your cue to take action. Any type of dental pain should never be ignored or mistaken for something that will resolve itself and it could be a warning sign of tooth decay or gum disease. Your toothache may subside but the underlying problem will remain and you could end up requiring much more extensive treatment in the future. In the worst case it may result in tooth loss.

Why Cavities Cause Pain

When a tooth develops a cavity then this can irritate the nerves and tissues right in the centre of the tooth. These nerves are located in the pulp chamber and if they are exposed, irritated or infected they will cause toothache which may either be continuous or intermittent whenever you bite or chew on the affected tooth. The nerves can be exposed due to decay or as a result of trauma which has caused the tooth to become chipped or cracked. Either way, any breach in the tough outer layer of tooth enamel will enable bacteria to penetrate the tooth, causing infection that will gradually destroy the tooth if not promptly treated.

Advanced Gum Disease May Be To Blame

Teeth may also begin to hurt as a result of gum disease, although this condition doesn’t normally cause any pain until relatively well advanced. When gum disease is left to progress it causes the gums to recede, exposing your tooth roots. Unlike the crown of your tooth, the roots are not protected with a tough outer layer of tooth enamel and are more easily eroded away. Gum disease is a major cause of tooth loss and is often known as a ‘silent disease’ which means it is very important to get an early diagnosis and treatment.

Book an Appointment for a Proper Diagnosis

IF you do have a twinge in a tooth or persistent pain, book an appointment to see Dr. Larry Leslie at Tsawwassen Place Dental. Dr. Leslie will soon be able to determine the cause of your tooth pain and can recommend the best option for treatment. Two huge advantages of seeking early treatment are that you will help to increase the chances of saving the tooth and treatment may well be less invasive. If you require a filling then it will be smaller and cheaper than waiting until you require a larger filling or even a crown. If the centre of the tooth is infected then you may need root canal treatment to save it. This procedure is more successful when carried out sooner rather than later and will help relieve any pain.

We recommend all patients visit our dental office at regular intervals as we will be much more likely to detect any problems before they cause pain.

Request an appointment with this convenient online form

* Source: US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

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